Saturday, April 26, 2014

Thank You For Praying!

I've had several emails, texts and calls to see how I'm doing with my kidney stones.  This past week has been a very painful week, I have passed 8 stones and we feel there are more stones still coming.  Please pray I can keep passing them and I don't need to go to the hospital because they can't be passed.

God has been so good to bless those that went on the trip to Africa.  They are seeing people saved and baptized daily.
The people there have been receiving the Bibles we sent and they are so happy that people here cared enough to send them.  I wish I could have gone but God knows what He is

I really want to thank all of you who made this trip possible and to those who are praying for me!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Trip to Africa ~ Please Pray!

I'm a bit disappointed this morning...  I won't be able to make the trip to Africa tomorrow morning.  I woke up in the night with a kidney attack and passing a lot of blood. I've been advised not to make the trip because we are going into remote villages and medical help may not be available. 

I know God is going to do a lot on this trip.  We have bought many Bibles, prepared tracts, printed materials and other resources for those going. I want to thank those that invested in this trip.  You will still have a great part in these villages receiving the Gospel through the suitcases of things being sent.  

Please pray that God will do a great work through those that are going. I'm having some tests ran so I'm having my daughter, Sandy Domelle, post this message for me.  

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Trip to South Africa

We've been asked to go to South Africa to help a national pastor reach some remote villages in his area with the Gospel.  God has been blessing us with so many of the things that will be needed for this trip.  Please continue to pray for our safety as we go.  We will be there April 17-30th.  The national pastor contacted us and said he and his members are working hard at preparing places for us to preach the Gospel.  We will be going into schools, villages, and holding soul winning and leadership services.  Please be praying for this trip because it looks like it is expanding into two or three other bordering countries.  The opportunities are great and we need the Lord to intervene and I need physical strength.  I really need you to be a part of this trip.